The Journey Beginith Here
Greetings, O faithful Observer!
Yesterday marked one month till the official launch date for the Sarah and Andy OS trip.
Watch here on a semi regular basis as our striking compatriots en devour to make this glorious world their very own oyster! Awash in piles and piles of forms and applications the two intrepid travelers struggle against the tide of bureaucracy necessary to make the dream a reality! Hazaar!
Good Luck, Fellows!
Keep it real in the OS you guys!!
Hi folks, the ever erratic Earl here, I know you're currently sitting in my loungeroom, right next to me at the moment, but Ive always been a bit awkward at making heartfelt statements of farewell to people in real life, so... I dig you guys, and will miss you to a point.
Hello son. You are alright by me.
Wishing you guys a life changing and memorable experience overseas....Ignition wont be the same without you Andy! Hope to see you guys over there next year! XX
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